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If you grew up in the 1950s and 1960s, then you remember driving around town and listening to the radio. Listening to music on the radio was an iconic American pastime. Buddy Holly. Johnny Cash. Elvis Presley. You knew the words to every song. The car radio was king! That’s why restoring a classic car isn’t complete without restoring the radio to its former glory.

radio before chrome plating

Colonial Radio Restoration Project

Whether you restore a classic car for a special event, a car show, or as a hobby, remember to restore the radio, also. If you need a hand with a radio restoration project, let us know. Our chrome restoration specialists helped restore an old colonial radio. It looks pretty cool, all shiny and like-new again. This radio restoration project turned out great.

150 Years of Combined Chrome-Plating Experience

Our typical work is amazingly like “show chrome” quality, yet lower in price than most of the other chrome plater’s “driver” quality. With over 150 years of combined experience on our staff, we can handle every imaginable chrome plating project.

radio after chrome plating

Contact Us for a Free Quote

Getting a quote is simple. Send us a photo of the antique car, bike, boat or motorcycle part you want restored, and we’ll reply with a quote. Most restoration projects take 4-6 weeks, so we have plenty of time to restore a radio or other classic parts before the summer car show season. You’ll be singing along with the Oldies again soon.

Our Reputation Shines Through Every Piece of Chrome We Do